2015 Teen Video Challenge Launched

movie clapperboard

Today, the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) launches the 2015 Teen Video Challenge, a national video competition for teens to get involved with reading and their public library's summer reading program. CSLP is a consortium consisting of public libraries and state library agencies throughout the United States, its territories, and the Cayman Islands. The members of this consortium work together to provide high-quality summer reading materials for public libraries to use in their summer programs with children, teens, and adults.

Teens across the country are invited to create a 30 to 90 second video with their unique interpretation of the 2015 teen slogan Unmask in combination with reading and libraries. The idea is to involve teens in summer reading, before and during the summer months, by being part of the process. This is an opportunity for teens to showcase their creativity and have their ideas heard before a national audience.

Each CSLP member state that chooses to participate in the 2015 Teen Video Challenge will organize and implement their own competition to arrive at their state winner. The winning video from each participating state will be named one of the CSLP 2015 Teen Videos to promote summer reading nationwide.

$150 will be awarded to the creators of the winning state video and their associated public library will receive prizes worth at least $50 from CSLP and Demco/Upstart. Winners will be announced by CSLP in April 2015.

For full details about the CSLP 2015 Teen Video Challenge and to find out how to enter your state’s competition, please visit the State Library's Teen Video webpage or contact Pamela Hoppock, Youth Services Consultant at 803-734-8646 or phoppock@statelibrary.sc.gov.

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South Carolina Center for the Book

Speaker at the Center Series: Tom Poland & Robert Clark

July 24, 2024, 2:00 PM

Join us at the SC Center for the Book for the latest installment of the Speaker at the Center series with author Tom Poland and photographer Robert Clark. The two have partnered to explore South Carolina through words and pictures in many publications and will speak on this topic.