August 2020 New State Documents

cover image of Guidance and Recommendations for 2020-21 School Year

The South Carolina Digital State Documents Depository provides access to publications produced by state agencies and state-supported academic institutions. These publications provide citizens with crucial information about state government, including statistics, annual accountability reports, and data on a wide variety of topics related to the state. The August 2020 list of new South Carolina State Documents is now available.

This month we highlight the South Carolina State Department of Education AccelerateED Task Force's Guidance and recommendations for 2020–21 School Year. State Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman convened AccelerateED, a task force composed of educators and administrators representing all aspects of the K–12 public education system. AccelerateED released its first report with recommendations for how to proceed with summer learning activities. The task force then turned its full attention to the start of the 2020–21 school year, and as a result of twenty-five meetings, put forth the considerations and recommendations outlined within this document. 

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Author photo with cover of book The Cheese Biscuit Queen Kiss My Aspic

The Cheese Biscuit Queen - Kiss My Aspic! with Mary Martha Greene

March 25, 2025, 6:00 PM
Join us virtually at our next Speaker at the Center series on Tuesday, March 25th at 6:00PM with the Cheese Biscuit Queen, Mary Martha Greene, for a conversation about her recently released, "The Cheese Biscuit Queen - Kiss My Aspic!"