December 2020 New State Documents

cover forest with stream image of Forestry BMPs in South Carolina: Compliance and Implementation Monitoring Report 2019-2020

The South Carolina Digital State Documents Depository provides access to state agencies' publications. These publications provide citizens with crucial information about state government, including statistics, annual accountability reports, and data on a wide variety of topics related to the state. The December 2020 list of new South Carolina State Documents is now available.

This month we highlight the South Carolina Forestry Commission's publication, Forestry BMPs in South Carolina: Compliance and Implementation Monitoring Report 2019-2020. This is the eleventh study conducted by the South Carolina Forestry Commission to determine compliance with South Carolina’s Best Management Practices for Forestry (BMPs) during silvicultural activities. Recent forestry operations were evaluated on 179 randomly located sites during 2019-2020. Overall BMP compliance on harvesting operations was 96.1%. Compliance indicates that proper use of applicable BMPs was sufficient to protect water quality on those sites. The overall implementation rate of individual BMP practices was 96.0%, compared to the regional average of 93.6% among southeastern states (Southern Group of State Foresters, 2018). This study highlights numerous strengths in BMP compliance and opportunities for improvement.

For more information about our online documents depository, visit our online guide.

Upcoming Event

Author photo with cover of book The Cheese Biscuit Queen Kiss My Aspic

The Cheese Biscuit Queen - Kiss My Aspic! with Mary Martha Greene

March 25, 2025, 6:00 PM
Join us virtually at our next Speaker at the Center series on Tuesday, March 25th at 6:00PM with the Cheese Biscuit Queen, Mary Martha Greene, for a conversation about her recently released, "The Cheese Biscuit Queen - Kiss My Aspic!"