Economic Census Workshop to be Held at State Library

Your Guide to the Economic Census workshop hosted by the South Carolina State Library on September 8, 2010, will teach participants about the wide range of data available from the Census Bureau, including both the Economic Census and more frequent data sets. Attendees will also learn about new features of the data, comparability issues, and qualifications of the data.

According to the State Library's Director, David Goble, "this workshop will be very beneficial to chambers of commerce, state government employees, business associations, university faculty, and others who work with economic data."

The Economic Census provides a detailed portrait of the United States' economy once every five years, from the national to the local level. It covers most of the U.S. economy in its basic collection of establishment statistics. There also are several related programs, including statistics on minority and women-owned businesses.

Uses of the data include development of public policy, locating business markets, evaluating industry growth, designing sales territories, gauging competitiveness, and even disaster response.

The workshop will begin at 10:00 a.m. and continues until 2:30 p.m. Registration check in and light refreshments will be served beginning at 9:30 a.m. Lunch will be included in the $10.00 registration fee.

The workshop will be held in room 309 of the South Carolina State Library's administration building located at 1430 Senate Street, Columbia. Limited visitor parking is available.

To register, visit the calendar of events at the State Library's web site at or contact Elaine Sandberg, Government Documents Librarian, at or 803-734-8625.

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