Need a connection? State Library joins Wi Fi crowd

There’s a new “hot spot” in Columbia - if you’re connected.

Computer or PDA users whose personal machines already have Wi Fi connectivity now have online access at the South Carolina State Library at 1500 Senate St.

The new access provides more than just a place for patrons to surf the Web. The way the technology is set up, anyone can access the State Library’s electronic resources, including online catalogs, subscription databases, and Discus - South Carolina’s Virtual Library.

“State employees will be able to come, do their research, have access to our electronic offerings, as well as their own files,” said Catherine Buck Morgan, the library’s Information Technology Services director.

“An added bonus is that students and teachers from USC’s School of Library and Information Science, when coming to the South Carolina Center for Children’s Books and Literacy, will have Wi-Fi access,” Morgan said. The center is housed in the State Library.

The installation of new equipment allowed the State Library to join the ranks of the Richland County Public Library and various private businesses, such as coffee shops and bookstores, which already offer Wi Fi access.

Morgan said users need a wireless access card and machines configured for DHCP. As long as they have that, however, “anyone can use it, simply by starting their Internet browser,” she said.

The State Library is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The main phone number is (803) 734-8666.

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Freedom of Information Act Roundtable

July 18, 2024, 1:00 PM

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