RCPL Launches a New Way to Discover Ebooks

The Richland County Public Library is launching a new service -- the 3M Cloud Library -- that allows library customers to access 4,000 ebooks on multiple devices, including PCs, iPads, Nooks and Android operating systems. RCPL is one of 10 beta or test sites across the country for this new service.

"In the past two years, interest and usage of ebooks has increased exponentially in our community," said Tony Tallent, RCPL's director of literacy and learning. "The 3M Cloud Library will allow our customers to access their library ebooks across several of their devices with ease. We will also be able to offer eReaders for check-out to those who don't own their own devices, helping bridge this digital gap."

The 3M Cloud Library offers a turnkey system of digital content, in-library hardware, and apps for borrowing and reading, and promises to revolutionize how library customers discover and access ebooks.

RCPL will unveil the new system at noon on Wednesday, May 16 at the Main Library in downtown Columbia. Customers will be able to test the system, which uses several components to allow them to browse the electronic catalog and read on the device of their choice. The service features:

-A 3M Discovery Station: Browse the catalog on an electronic kiosk at the Main Library with an intuitive touch-based interface.
-3M eReaders: 20 easy-to-use tablets that can be checked out from the Main Library like any other lendable materials.
-Mobile Device Compatibility: The service's ebooks are compatible with PCs, iPads, Nooks and Android operating systems.

The 3M Cloud Library will provide a seamless experience for readers. For instance, a reader can check out a book on an iPad, take notes while reading on a PC, and then finish the book on an Android phone. The bookmark feature works across most devices, so readers do not lose their place.

More than 4,000 ebooks are available in RCPL's 3M Cloud Library. Customers can check out up to five 3M Cloud ebooks and place up to five holds at a time. These ebooks check out up to 21 days, and they return automatically when checkout period is over. Customers can return the ebooks early.

To access this new service, visit www.myRCPL.com/3M or search "cloud library" in the app store on your mobile device.

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