Senator Gerald Malloy Receives National Library Honor

The American Library Association celebrated the contributions of State Senator Gerald Malloy to the well being of the public libraries of South Carolina during its National Advocacy Honor Roll Banquet in Chicago June 24.

For Immediate Release
July 12, 2005

The American Library Association celebrated the contributions of State Senator Gerald Malloy to the well being of the public libraries of South Carolina during its National Advocacy Honor Roll Banquet in Chicago June 24. For only the second time in its history this national library organization recognized such individuals as Senator Malloy who demonstrated the passion, determination and commitment to strengthen libraries.. Nationwide 80 people were honored this year.This award is only given every five years, the first time being in 2000.

When former South Carolina State Librarian Jim Johnson nominated Senator Malloy for this award, he noted “Senator Malloy is vitally interested in providing opportunities for South Carolina citizens and understands that opportunity goes hand-in-hand with knowledge. Senator Malloy knows that children who learn to enjoy reading at an early age continue to read throughout their lives and that children must have access to books. For many children, that access is provided primarily by the local public library. Senator Malloy also knows that many citizens depend on library computers and the vast array of databases that libraries provide. How does the Senator know these things? First, he is a library user. Second, he is a listener. He always asks ‘How are things at the library?’”

During the last fiscal year, Senator Malloy was so concerned with cuts in state aid to South Carolina public libraries – reducing such support by more than half over three years – that he sponsored legislation providing each county library system with an additional $50,000 to be used for technology and materials, and he threatened to “hold the floor” until the measure was approved. This legislation amounted to an additional $2.3 million for South Carolina public libraries.

“For our citizens, it was a blessing,” said Darlington County Library Director Sue Rainey. “During some very hard times, it was a ray of light and a sign of hope. Due to the efforts of Senator Malloy and other like-minded leaders, during the last fiscal year, the state legislature voted overwhelmingly recently to raise state aid from 85 cents per capita to $2.00, the level that it had achieved in 2001. Senator Malloy was a key figure in helping us to regain this lost ground for public libraries. We applaud his advocacy and his understanding of the contributions of public libraries to bettering the lives of the citizens of our state and of our great nation. He is our champion.”


Ann Addy
Public Relations Coordinator
South Carolina State Library
Phone: 803-734-4385


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