Snuggle up to statistics during Love Data Week, February 14-18. Join the fun with deep dives into the Public Libraries Survey and a new theme each day.
- Monday- Citizen science; how can we contribute to research?
- Tuesday- How to keep personal data secure.
- Wednesday- Presenting data in physical forms; crafts, food, garments, and other way to represent data in a physical space.
- Thursday- Data and media literacy; navigating the seas of information.
- Friday- Data resources to help tell your library's story.
Daily data discussions at 10:00 a.m. will cover some of your most dire data dilemmas.
- Monday- Programs and outreach; 2021's changes are here to stay.
- Tuesday- Personnel, outlets, and usage; FTEs vs. positions, defining a bookmobile, opening and closing branches, and recording patron interactions.
- Wednesday- Collections and circulation; what to count and where to count it.
- Thursday- Revenue and expenditures
- Friday- What can we expect in 2022?
Thursday has a double dose of data with the Third Thursday Data Chat at 2:00 p.m.