South Carolina Center for the Book to offer Summer Video Series

The South Carolina Center for the Book at the South Carolina State Library presents a summer lunchtime video series...
The South Carolina Center for the Book at the South Carolina State Library presents a summer lunchtime video series looking at six US presidents who redefined the presidency and shaped their time - Presidents, Politics and Power: American Presidents Who Shaped The 20th Century.
Presidents, Politics and Power

The 20th Century demanded strong leaders. Meet the men who faced the challenge.  During the 19th century, some contend that the powers of the American presidency nearly atrophied. But the 20th century brought wars, depression, and cultural revolution that demanded strong leadership. This six-week program of award-winning documentaries and essays studies the legacies of the six men who defined a strong modern presidency: Theodore Roosevelt, F.D.R., Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan.

A series of weak presidents since the Civil War had seriously damaged the powers of the office, until Theodore Roosevelt led the country to victory in the war with Spain, starting the emergence of the US as a world power.

T.R.'s legacy greatly influenced Franklin D. Roosevelt in his battle against the Great Depression and World War II. In turn, both Roosevelts served as role models for strong presidents through the century, facing different, but difficult issues: Truman and the Cold War, Johnson and Nixon and the Vietnam War and Reagan's war on communism.

Presidents, Politics and Power looks at these six men who redefined the presidency and shaped their time.

The series will take place on Thursdays from Noon—1 p.m. beginning June 26. Attendees may bring a bag lunch. Location: South Carolina State Library, Room 309, 1430 Senate St., Columbia, SC.

Thursday June 26     Theodore Roosevelt
Thursday July 10     F.D.R.
Thursday July 17    Harry Truman
Thursday July 24    Lyndon Johnson
Thursday July 31    Richard Nixon
Thursday August 7    Ronald Reagan

This free lunchtime program is presented by the South Carolina Center for the Book, the South Carolina affiliate of the Library of Congress Center for the Book. The SC Center for the Book is a cooperative project of the SC State Library, the University of South Carolina School of Library and Information Science, and The Humanities Council SC.  For more information: Susanna Brailsford 803-771-2477.

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Freedom of Information Act Roundtable

July 18, 2024, 1:00 PM

Join leaders of the South Carolina Press Association for an in-depth conversation about how the Freedom of Information Act affects the news you hear every day. The panelists of veteran journalists will discuss how FOIA helps them keep the public informed and how you can do the same.  Q&A session to follow!