State Budget Cuts Read as Bad News for Libraries

Columbia (Posted By: Ashley Yarchin     10/29/2008 7:27:50 PM WLTX) - With Governor Sanford expected to make a decision on state budget cuts Thursday, State Library officials are preparing for what could be an 11% decrease in overall funding.  Some are reading this as a huge hit to those who would rebuild our state's economy.
"It's a calm, quiet environment with free wi-fi internet," said Ragha Srienivasan, a State Library patron. "Certainly living on a student budget, having all these free resources definitely help me achieve better to advance in my profession and long-term contribution to my society."

So, when he heard how this next chapter in the economic crisis would effect our state's libraries, he wasn't happy.

"This funding shortage is a significant set back for the library infrastructure and it'll translate into affecting the public growth," Srienivasan said.

The State Library's director, David Goble, explained that a loss at that level would trickle down to public libraries in the form of job loses as well as reduced resources and hours.

"I knew right away life was gonna get very difficult, but I also understood that we needed to play our part," he said. "The problem with this is that in an economic downturn, libraries become more important than they ever were before."

He pointed out that if the governor does sign off on the budget proposal, the challenge will be doing their best with much less.

"And when times get good, we're gonna be ever better," he added.

Governor Sanford is scheduled to announce his decision Thursday afternoon at 2:30.
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