Talking Book Services Featured on Soda City Live

Jennifer Falvey talks with Billie Jean Shaw on the set of Soda City Live.

South Carolina's Talking Book Services Director, Jennifer Falvey, appeared on Columbia's WIS TV News local segment, Soda City Live, on Thursday, July 27th.

Jennifer talked with host Billie Jean Shaw about Talking Book Services' history, what services we provide, and how anyone with temporary or permanent low vision, blindness, or a physical disability that prevents them from reading or holding the printed page can sign up for talking books. Jennifer also demonstrated how to use our digital talking book players.

You can watch the segment below.

Talking Book Services is a free library service from the South Carolina State Library for anyone who has a visual, physical, or print disability that prevents them from holding or reading normal print books.

South Carolina Talking Book Services functions as a regional library of the National Library for the Blind and Reading Disabled.

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July 18, 2024, 1:00 PM

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