Walking by Faith - Swaddled In His Glory by Evangelist Regina Thomas

Evangelist Regina Thomas, one of our Talking Book Services patrons, and author of the book “Walking by Faith: Swaddled in His Glory”, was recently interviewed by the TBS director Pamela Davenport.  In this interview Thomas and Davenport discussed the circumstances in which Mrs. Thomas has lost her sight which led the author to start writing. 

Regina Thomas was born in Panama, but moved to this country at an early age.  She has resided in various states, including Alaska, where Thomas lived for about 20 years. In 2002, after years of battling the symptoms of her condition, Mrs. Thomas, a former nurse, was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa.  Mrs. Thomas hopes that sharing her challenges and victories in facing blindness will be helpful to others in similar situations; by telling her story she wants to bring hope to others.

Mrs. Thomas always says: “If I can do it, anyone can do it”.  Through the use of the Assistive Technology devices and software available to her In the Reading Room at the State Library, as well as other state and local groups, she has overcome adversity and become self-sufficient. She is able to operate a personal computer and continue her work as an Evangelist.   

  • To listen to the interview with Mrs. Regina Thomas, click here
  • To view an additional interview about Evangelist Regina Thomas, click here

For information regarding Retinitis Pigmentosa, visit the following link http://www.blindness.org/content.asp?id=45

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July 18, 2024, 1:00 PM

Join leaders of the South Carolina Press Association for an in-depth conversation about how the Freedom of Information Act affects the news you hear every day. The panelists of veteran journalists will discuss how FOIA helps them keep the public informed and how you can do the same.  Q&A session to follow!