Del Webb Library Teens Win $2000

The South Carolina State Library congratulates Samantha Hoelzer, Kendall Lierz, Lewis Lindsey, Lindsey Scott, and Ryan Scott for being runners up in the Why I Need My Library national teen video contest.

The Why I Need My Library contest asked teens ages 13 to 18 to create original videos on why they think libraries are needed now more than ever. Between January and April, more than 600 teens worked on videos alone or in groups and submitted them to the contest through YouTube. Teens used a variety of techniques in their videos, including live action, stop motion and machinima.

"The teens who put together the winning videos demonstrated unique creativity in how they conveyed why they need their library," said ALA President Roberta Stevens, who launched the contest as a way to engage teens in library advocacy. "I'm happy funds will go to support their libraries because of their efforts, and I hope that they maintain a close relationship with libraries into the future."

$2,000 will go to the Del Webb Library at Indian Land which is part of the Lancaster County Library System. Watch the video.

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July 18, 2024, 1:00 PM

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