Certified Public Manager projects for 2010 are now available online.

Project reports from the recent graduates of the Certified Public Manager program are now being processed and will be available in SCLENDS, the online catalog of the State Library. The CPM report, usually an investigative report, a survey, or implementation of a new procedure, is the final requirement of the program for state employees sponsored by the Budget and Control Board. Copies of the reports are available in print format in the Library and also in pdf through the online catalog. To see a list of all CPM projects in the library holdings, search the catalog using the keywords CPM project. The library holds almost 400 project reports.

Upcoming Event

Photo of Michael Williams

Author Michael G. Williams and Arcane Carolinas Volume 2

March 13, 2025, 6:00 PM

Michael will discuss Arcane Carolinas Volume 2 while also exploring some South Carolina holiday-themed ghost tales, an international tradition the State Library is excited to participate in. Michael uses library resources to explore folklore and all things eerie in the Carolinas.