The South Carolina State Library added a self-paced course for library staff on Niche Academy called, Don’t Be Quiet: Trauma-Informed Responses in Libraries. This course was contributed by SCCADVASA, the South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. The goal of this training is to support safer spaces within South Carolina Libraries, with a focus on domestic and sexual violence and related issues.
Specific goals include:
· Better understand and identify the patterns and behaviors associated with domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking, which can be seen in library settings and beyond.
· Offer trauma-informed responses and confident interventions to library staff and patrons, where safe and appropriate.
· Identify and provide resources for patrons and the larger community on intervention and prevention of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and bullying.
· Provide trauma-informed programming in libraries and in partnership with local organizations that includes events and materials, some aimed specifically at prevention.
· Identify and interrupt personal biases and organizational policies and procedures that are not supportive of people experiencing trauma, especially those that could cause further trauma or stigmatization.
This course takes approximately 3 hours to complete.
SCCADVASA is the collective voice promoting the prevention of domestic violence and sexual assault in South Carolina. We work towards ending domestic and sexual violence in South Carolina and beyond through engaging individuals and communities in advocacy, collaboration and education. We advocate for the transformative social change that will result in a society free of violence, push for policy changes that support survivors, and provide education and technical assistance to build the capacity of our members, allied organizations and communities to provide trauma-informed and survivor-centered services.
You can access the course at: https://my.nicheacademy.com/scsl-staff/course/18664
If you need help logging in to Niche Academy, please contact Continuing Education Consultant Tiffany Hayes at thayes@statelibrary.sc.gov