Making Cents

Thinking Money for All Kids

Public and school libraries may apply to receive diverse and inclusive financial literacy resources for children and young people. The American Library Association and the FINRA Investor Education Foundation partnered with library advisors to develop a book list featuring stories that promote diversity and inclusion while explaining personal finance and related skills.

Selected libraries will receive:

·         A printed copy of the “Thinking Money for (ALL) Kids” book list with corresponding best practices and programming ideas

·         A print copy of “Rainy Day Ready: Financial Literacy Programs and Tools” edited by Melanie Welch and Patrick Hogan.

·         A ready-to-use guide for library staff with 16 model financial capability programs

·         One print copy of five books from the book list for libraries to add to the circulating collection.

Complete the application before the January 3, 2022 deadline.

A free, digital version of the “Thinking Money for (ALL) Kids” book list will be available in Spring 2022. Sign up for ALA’s Programming Librarian newsletter to learn when the digital guide is available. 

Upcoming Event

Photo of Michael Williams

Author Michael G. Williams and Arcane Carolinas Volume 2

March 13, 2025, 6:00 PM

Michael will discuss Arcane Carolinas Volume 2 while also exploring some South Carolina holiday-themed ghost tales, an international tradition the State Library is excited to participate in. Michael uses library resources to explore folklore and all things eerie in the Carolinas.