New December 2021 State Documents

Cover of the Wisewoman booklet from DHEC showes and illustration of two women's faces.

DHEC makes it easier for women to take control of their health and document the journey with its Wisewoman Welcome Booklet. The clear direction for navigating healthcare appointments and space for notes help make it our choice for the December 2021 featured state document. Each purposeful page empowers women to take control of their health by knowing their numbers and making healthy lifestyle choices. The prompts help designate this booklet as a woman's go-to guide for healthcare information and personal record-keeping.

The complete December 2021 list of new South Carolina state documents is available. The South Carolina Digital State Documents Depository provides access to state agencies' publications. These publications provide citizens with crucial information about state government, including statistics, reports, and data on a wide variety of topics related to the state.

For more information about our documents depository, visit our online guide.

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Photo of Michael Williams

Author Michael G. Williams and Arcane Carolinas Volume 2

March 13, 2025, 6:00 PM

Michael will discuss Arcane Carolinas Volume 2 while also exploring some South Carolina holiday-themed ghost tales, an international tradition the State Library is excited to participate in. Michael uses library resources to explore folklore and all things eerie in the Carolinas.