More Subjects, More Tutors

Discus, A program of the South Carolina State Library,

Our almost two-year relationship providing free tutoring through Discus- South Carolina's Virtual Library continues to evolve. South Carolina residents could only access the free service during limited hours when we began offering the service in March 2020. Today, thanks to our partnership with the South Carolina Department of Education, 24/7 access is obtainable. K–12 Subject List

Users may also connect with tutors in a more extensive range of subject areas. The subjects listed in green are new offerings.

This resource is one of many ways the State Library aims to meet South Carolinians where they are and offer equal access to opportunity and information in a changing environment.

Upcoming Event

Photo of Michael Williams

Author Michael G. Williams and Arcane Carolinas Volume 2

March 13, 2025, 6:00 PM

Michael will discuss Arcane Carolinas Volume 2 while also exploring some South Carolina holiday-themed ghost tales, an international tradition the State Library is excited to participate in. Michael uses library resources to explore folklore and all things eerie in the Carolinas.