New Discus Web Site a Hit!

After going live on Monday August 6, 2007, the new socially interactive Discus web site is already a hit with users.

One user in Aiken County commented, "THANK YOU!  I think Discus is the best thing that has happened for small libraries since they started putting libraries in schools."Discus screenshot

The new site is attractive, easy to navigate and includes interactive features that users will enjoy.  The new design takes advantage of the latest technological advances in content management and social networking software. Built on the open source content management system, Joomla , the web site is a content–rich resource for the state’s librarians, government employees and citizens. Features include access to RSS (really simple syndication) feeds, tagging, discussion groups, and much more.

Contact: Amy Duernberger, Discus Program Director for more information.  803-734-8666

Upcoming Event

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Freedom of Information Act Roundtable

July 18, 2024, 1:00 PM

Join leaders of the South Carolina Press Association for an in-depth conversation about how the Freedom of Information Act affects the news you hear every day. The panelists of veteran journalists will discuss how FOIA helps them keep the public informed and how you can do the same.  Q&A session to follow!