My State Library Training Resources

Some things you just have to learn on your own.  Self-paced training materials are sometimes difficult to find and can also be very costly.  Why not use the South Carolina State Library’s resources to learn more about what you need to know to be a productive state employee?
Key services related to training include:

•    Training videos are available to help state employees improve their job and management skills. The library’s audiovisual collection contains approximately 4,300 items.  Search the online catalog WebLION to see what training videos you might be able to use at your state agency. You can also give us a call and we’ll try to help you find the right training video for your needs.

•    Check the monthly New Resources @ SCSL which highlights new books, articles, and other resources that are available at the State Library to help state employees with their job.  The library also subscribes to many training books (both in print and online) that can help you learn about a wide variety of subjects.  

•    Free Training Sessions (both online and in person) - The staff of the South Carolina State Library periodically presents classes to assist state agency employees with finding information.  The classes give overviews and tips on specific topics related to online searching and to services available at the State Library.  For a list of classes, visit the State Library’s web site at and browse the calendar of events.  If there’s a specific research topic you need a presentation for, we’ll be glad to work with you!

To learn more about what the South Carolina State Library has to offer state government employees, a promotional video has been created and is available on YouTube ( and (

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Freedom of Information Act Roundtable

July 18, 2024, 1:00 PM

Join leaders of the South Carolina Press Association for an in-depth conversation about how the Freedom of Information Act affects the news you hear every day. The panelists of veteran journalists will discuss how FOIA helps them keep the public informed and how you can do the same.  Q&A session to follow!