Southern Social Networking Summit to be Held in Greenville

Calling All Activists, Artists, Booksellers, Bloggers, Chefs, Crafters, Dancers, Designers, Educators, Festival Organizers, Government Workers, Human Resources, Internet Engineers, Jugglers, Librarians, Marketers, Non-Profit Executives, Publishers, Retailers, Singers, Social Networkers, Twitterholics, Videographers, Writers, Wine Guys, & Zookeepers to the first ever Southern Social Networking Summit (#ssns)

The Motivation and Strategy for the first Southern Social Networking Summit (#ssns):
The arts & humanities have made strides in applying insights from their field to social networking, particularly those involving reaching their direct constituents. So far, however, it has had a minimal impact on what may be the most significant challenge: reaching the masses. This meeting brings together those from varied domains to brainstorm about policies and programs aimed at invigorating our social networking efforts. The main thrust of the meeting will be to brainstorm about practical solutions to specific problems that are impeding progress in dealing with the ever changing explosive opportunities in social networking. There will be four sessions (see below), each focusing on a different broad topic area. Each begin with a briefing by a domain expert who will provide background information about the topic and propose some concrete problems for the group to address. Brainstorming will then take the form of breakout group meetings followed by larger group presentations. The four topic areas are:

1. How to make time for all the social networks - Facebook, Twitter, Ning, LinkedIn, Glue, Google, Delicious, Wet Paint, Net Galley, Author Buzz, Library Thing, Squidoo, FourSquare, CloudProfile and so many more...
2. What's on-line that will feed my work? What's free and how do I get it? Marketing Partnerships and how to make them work?
3. What does the research tell us? What trends are coming down the pipe? And how do we manage it all with small staffs and smaller budgets?
4. Increasing the effectiveness of our combined efforts. How do we move the conversation from insiders to outsiders?

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Freedom of Information Act Roundtable

July 18, 2024, 1:00 PM

Join leaders of the South Carolina Press Association for an in-depth conversation about how the Freedom of Information Act affects the news you hear every day. The panelists of veteran journalists will discuss how FOIA helps them keep the public informed and how you can do the same.  Q&A session to follow!