State Library Staff Member Named Library Journal 2010 Mover & Shaker

Denise Lyons is an advocate for family literacy and has just been named a Library Journal Mover & Shaker for 2010. She spearheaded the South Carolina Day by Day Family Literacy Calendar and is reaching families statewide to promote the importance of literacy. The calendar is designed to be a tool that families, caregivers, educators and librarians can use at home and in the classroom to further develop early literacy skills that help young children become prepared for school or do better in school.

According to Deborah Hotchkiss, Director of Library Development Services, "Denise has, in the short time she has been with us, brought her love for children and children's services, and her practical public library experience, to develop the South Carolina Day-By-Day Literacy Calendar." Hotchkiss continued, "Her formidable skills with developing a statewide project were evident from beginning to end, including designing the end product, hiring the artists and graphic designer, creating a partnering work team with librarians, teachers, and MLIS students to develop the Calendar activities and create content."

Planning for the production of the calendar took place over many months and included obtaining funding and partner support from over 20 organizations and companies. Over 14,000 calendars have been distributed to families throughout the state and the South Carolina State Library Foundation is currently selling copies for $10.00.

For more information about the Calendar, please visit the SC Day by Day Calendar website.

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July 18, 2024, 1:00 PM

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