Learn More About the South Carolina Assistive Technology Exchange

The goal of the South Carolina Assistive Technology Exchange hosted by the South Carolina Assistive Technology Program (SCATP) is to put AT equipment that is not currently being used into the hands of someone who can benefit from it.

The South Carolina Assistive Technology Exchange is primarily for South Carolinians, although we do accept entries from neighboring states. The program is designed to facilitate equipment exchange between individuals.

Visit http://www.scatpexchange.net for more information.

Upcoming Event

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Freedom of Information Act Roundtable

July 18, 2024, 1:00 PM

Join leaders of the South Carolina Press Association for an in-depth conversation about how the Freedom of Information Act affects the news you hear every day. The panelists of veteran journalists will discuss how FOIA helps them keep the public informed and how you can do the same.  Q&A session to follow!