2013 National Library Week Photo Contest

The State Library announces its annual photo contest for SC libraries. Photos may be submitted via Flickr, Facebook or by emailing them to Pamela Hoppock at phoppock@statelibrary.sc.gov.

WHAT: In celebration of National Library Week, South Carolina library staff are encouraged to submit a wide range of photographs of library happenings from the past year (April 2012 to April 2013). Winners will be recognized on the SC State Library's web site and during the 2013 SCLA Annual Conference November 13-15, in Greenville.


WHEN: By Monday, May 3, 2013, please submit chosen photos that were taken between 4/01/2012 to 4/30/2013. Photos may be submitted via Flickr.com, Facebook or email and tagged with NLW2013. There is no need to pre-register to participate in the project. See guidelines below for more submission details.

WHERE: Wherever SC libraries are.

Suggested photographic subjects:

Story times; children's area activities; helping patrons with technology;
shelving magazines, books, cd's, games; friends group activities; teaching a class to college students; a behind the scenes look at book processing; activities in the School Media Center; teens in the library; innovative technologies; inter-generational gatherings;patrons and staff together; study labs; services and activities outside the library

CATEGORIES: Photos can be from any time in the last year 4/01/2012 to 4/30/2013. Photos may be submitted in the following categories with one winner chosen from each category and one overall winner honored:

1. Outreach/Bookmobile
2. Creative Programming
3. Technology
4. Books and reading
5. People helping people

Honorable Mentions may also be awarded in each category.

WHO: The contest is open to all staff employed in ALL SC libraries. Professional photographic skills are NOT required.

HOW: Use whatever photographic equipment you have long as you can submit a digital copy via Flickr, Facebook or email. We welcome color and black and white images. Be creative in submitting photos that capture the essence of South Carolina libraries and are visually attractive.


1) Only SC Library staff (from any type of library) may submit entries for the contest.

2) Entries must be submitted by 5:00 pm Friday, May 3, 2013. Entries may be submitted to the Flickr group by simply posting them to the group, posting to the SC State Library Facebook page or by email to phoppock@statelibrary.sc.gov. In order to submit via Flickr, you must first have a flickr.com account, and then join the group, www.flickr.com/groups/nlw2013/. Each photo should also have the tag NLW2013. You may use any additional tags and titles and descriptions that relate to the photo. Please use this tag along with the name of your library in the subject line if you send by email.

3) Each individual library staff member may submit up to five (5) photos to the Flickr group, Facebook or by email to phoppock@statelibrary.sc.gov.

4) All individuals pictured in submitted photographs must sign a photo release form. Entries will not be valid until all signed photo releases are received by fax (803-734-8676) or emailed to Pamela Hoppock at phoppock@statelibrary.sc.gov. Releases must be received at the State Library by 5:00 pm May 3, 2013. Please be sure to identify the photo as best you can on the release so the release can be matched with the posted photo. The photo release form is available at www.slideshare.net/scstatelibrary/scsl-photo-release-form.

5) Judging criteria will be based on composition, quality, subject, lighting, creativity, and the ability to capture of the spirit of SC libraries. A total of six photos will be selected winners: One in each category and one overall.

6) The six winning photos will be announced on Monday, May 13, 2013 on the Flickr group page, the SC State Library web site and the SC State Library Facebook page. The photos will be posted in those online locations and will be announced in a press release. Various honorable mentions will also be announced. Winners will also be recognized at the annual fall SCLA conference in Greenville, November 13-15, 2013.

Pamela Hoppock, Library Development Consultant
SC State Library

Upcoming Event

South Carolina Center for the Book

Speaker at the Center Series: Tom Poland & Robert Clark

July 24, 2024, 2:00 PM

Join us at the SC Center for the Book for the latest installment of the Speaker at the Center series with author Tom Poland and photographer Robert Clark. The two have partnered to explore South Carolina through words and pictures in many publications and will speak on this topic.