State Agency Social Media Library Announced

The South Carolina State Library is pleased to present the South Carolina State Agency Social Media Library (, which provides public access to social media activity from partner South Carolina state agencies.

The South Carolina State Library is collaborating with ArchiveSocial (, a social media archiving company based in Durham, NC to create this searchable library. Social media streams currently include Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube content created or received by seven state government agencies, including the Department of Consumer Affairs and the Department of Commerce.

"We are excited to collaborate with the South Carolina State Library to further facilitate government transparency and openness," said Adam Tury, ArchiveSocial's Director of Business Development.

Additional agencies will be joining the project in the coming months. Through this service, users will be able to search across agencies and social media platforms to find social media content.

For more information, please contact Amanda Stone, Innovation & Digital Librarian at 803-734-4816 or

Upcoming Event

South Carolina Center for the Book

Speaker at the Center Series: Tom Poland & Robert Clark

July 24, 2024, 2:00 PM

Join us at the SC Center for the Book for the latest installment of the Speaker at the Center series with author Tom Poland and photographer Robert Clark. The two have partnered to explore South Carolina through words and pictures in many publications and will speak on this topic.