2024 Fall FDL Conference

FDL Fall Conference 2024 logo

At the Fall 2024 Federal Depository Library Conference, Brianna King, the South Carolina State Library’s Federal Documents Librarian, had the pleasure of presenting alongside her esteemed colleagues Pam King from the Citadel Daniel Library and Susie O’Connor from the USC Aiken Gregg-Graniteville Library. Their session, titled “Adapting to Changes in Government Information Management: Strategies and Tools to Keep You Out of the Weeds,” focused on innovative solutions in response to the ending of the Cataloging Record Distribution Program (CRDP) and MARCIVE.

During the presentation, Brianna highlighted a tutorial on the FDLP Data Manager (FDM), a newly updated system by the Government Publishing Office (GPO) that enables libraries to efficiently download MARC records and seamlessly upload them to their Integrated Library Systems (ILS). This tool is a game-changer for libraries adapting to changes in government information management.

The conference, hosted by the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO), Depository Library Council (DLC), and federal depository librarians, provided a fantastic platform for networking, collaboration, and sharing best practices. Beyond training sessions, the event also featured engaging activities such as trivia, bingo, and virtual exhibits, creating a well-rounded experience for all attendees. It was an invaluable opportunity for Brianna to connect with fellow professionals dedicated to enhancing access to government information.

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Author photo and cover of her book Sea Scope.

Debbie De Louise Author Talk

March 28, 2025, 3:00 PM

Join us at our next Speaker at the Center series on Friday, March 28th at 3pm for an Author Talk with Debbie De Louise, a retired reference librarian from a public library on Long Island and the award-winning author of the Cobble Cove and Buttercup Bend cozy mystery series.