The South Carolina State Library continues to support the state's libraries and educational organizations with great online training opportunities. Want to learn more? Check out our upcoming events and register today!
Tuesday, March 2, 10:30 – 12:00 and a follow-up discussion March 15, 1:00 – 2:00: Preparing for the Next Wave of Pandemic Fatigued Customers (https://statelibrary.sc.libcal.com/event/7528791) with presenter Andrew Sanderbeck
This interactive and informative program has two parts - the March 2 interactive webinar and a follow-up event on March 15 to review, check in, and practice challenging customer service interactions. This training will help organizations and their employees create and maintain safe workplace practices, and prepare them to better handle customer conflicts including people who are non-compliant with your rules and policies.
Thursday, March 4, 10:00 – 11:00: Library Signage – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (https://statelibrary.sc.libcal.com/event/7509031) with SCSL Communications Director Curtis Rogers
Could your library’s signage do with a makeover? This interactive session will look critically at many types of library signs and review positive and negative aspects of library signage. We will also address how to conduct an internal signage audit, the importance of library branding, and have an open discussion about COVID-19 signage.
Monday, March 8, 3:00 – 4:00 (weekly through April 12): Basic Spanish for Library Staff (https://statelibrary.sc.libcal.com/event/7542003) Do you want to brush up on your Spanish skills and practice phrases that are useful for a library environment?
Join us for a 6-week class series taught by an experienced instructor and native Spanish speaker, Ángeles Daurat Mackenzie along with Spanish learner, Caroline Smith. Classes will cover basic Spanish vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation; library vocabulary; cultural awareness; and tips for working with Spanish-speaking customers. No prior knowledge or experience is required.
Wednesday, March 10, 11:30 – 1:00: A special PCI Webinar, Mindful Leadership: How Ancient Tibetan Healing Tradition Can Help You to Become a Leader of the Future (https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7917777158787709967?source=South+Carolina)
Leadership is often perceived as something heavy, something that comes with a lot of responsibilities. What if every one of us can be a great leader? What if we can reconsider our perception of leadership and make it something easy, fun, and enjoyable without any judgments and fixed points of view? Wouldn’t every one of us enjoy leadership more? Join Damir Kazykhanov for a unique program on leadership, mindfulness, meditations, and more. He will introduce you to stories on how you can improve your leadership style, share the view of ancient Tibetan healing tradition on leadership, and discuss how meditation can help individuals in the development of personal leadership style.
Thursday, March 18, 2:00 – 3:00: Media Literacy for Libraries (https://statelibrary.sc.libcal.com/event/7579875)
Carrie Rogers-Whitehead will present on media literacy for youth services library staff.
Tuesday, March 23, 10:00 – 11:00: Team Up to Keep Your Communities Active, Healthy, and Engaged (https://statelibrary.sc.libcal.com/event/7471241)
Across the country, public libraries are finding innovative ways to stay connected to their communities by harnessing the power of community partnerships. This webinar focuses on best practices you can use to start and sustain community partnerships to keep your patrons actively engaged: a) with the library, b) with nature, c) with healthy habits, and d) with the community itself. Come to learn how to reach out, how to keep the conversation going, and how to bring your community together around programs like StoryWalks, scavenger hunts, community gardens, and more.
Thursday, March 25, 2:00 – 3:30: Selecting and Using Latinx Children’s & YA Literature in Your Library (https://statelibrary.sc.libcal.com/event/7269091) There are hundreds of quality children’s and YA books available that feature Latinx characters.
How can librarians find the best books for their collections? What are some ideas for connecting children with Latinx literature? From graphic novels to picture books, informational books, novels in verse, and beyond, this 1.5-hour webinar highlights exciting Latinx youth books as well as helpful resources and strategies for selecting and using these books in the library.
Tuesday, March 30, 12:00 – 1:00 (weekly through May 4): Little Hands Signing Professional Development Storytime Series (https://statelibrary.sc.libcal.com/event/7447043)
Learn how to use American Sign Language in storytimes to broaden their appeal and make them more participative! Each session will focus on vocabulary on a specific theme and will demonstrate stories, songs, rhymes, and techniques you can use in programs for all ages.