New November Electronic State Publications

Cover of Identity Theft Toolkit. What You Need to Do

The South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs, the state's consumer protection agency, has a mission to protect consumers from inequities in the marketplace through advocacy, mediation, enforcement and education. Their Identity Theft Unit’s recent Identity Theft Toolkit: What You Need To Do is meant to serve as a guide to consumers who are victims of identity theft. The steps enclosed are general and apply to most identity theft situations, but additional steps may need to be taken to resolve specific issues. The informational value of this publication makes it our choice for the November 2024 featured state publication.

The complete list of November electronic South Carolina state publications is available. The South Carolina Digital State Documents Depository provides electronic access to state agency publications. These publications provide citizens with crucial information about state government and include statistics, reports, and data on a wide variety of topics related to the state.

For more information about our depository for state publications, visit our online guide.

Upcoming Event

Author photo and cover of her book Sea Scope.

Debbie De Louise Author Talk

March 28, 2025, 3:00 PM

Join us at our next Speaker at the Center series on Friday, March 28th at 3pm for an Author Talk with Debbie De Louise, a retired reference librarian from a public library on Long Island and the award-winning author of the Cobble Cove and Buttercup Bend cozy mystery series.