Dr. Curtis Rogers learns about some of the children's books found in the State Library's collection with staff members Sarah Pettus, Cataloging and Metadata Librarian, and Kerry Jeyschune, Digital Projects Coordinator. Listen online at Podbean, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, or your favorite podcast app today!
- How High The Moon by Karyn Parsons
- Sisters Against Slavery: A Story about Sarah and Angelina Grimke by Stephanie McPherson with illustrations by Karen Ritz
- The Lizard Man of Crabtree County by Lucy Nolan, illustrated by Jill Kastner
- Beauty, Her Basket by Sandra Belton, illustrated by Cozbi A. Cabrera
Additional resources:
- Lucy Nolan
- Sandra Belton
- Sweet Blackberry - Sweet Blackberry’s mission is to bring little known stories of African American achievement to children everywhere.
- National Historical Park in New York State – Women’s Rights Exhibit featuring the Grimke sisters
- South Carolina’s lizard man
- South Carolina sweetgrass baskets