New Documents at the State Library

Do you know the top projected occupation in South Carolina (Our hospitals won’t be surprised.) or the unemployment rates for June in our counties (It was higher than I thought!)?  Want to have an enviable garden?  Check out some recent state and federal documents!

South Carolina Workforce Trends.  Employment Security Commission. 

This monthly publication of the Labor Market Information Department is a detailed presentation of the job situation in South Carolina.  The current month statistics are preliminary while all previous data are subject to revision.  Estimates are projected from a benchmark of the previous year’s first quarter.  There are graphs, maps, charts of statistics, and pages of analysis from this agency.  The publication gives us a valuable, if not depressing, record of economics in our state.

Analysis of Change FY 2008-2009, Appropriation Bill as appropriated through the Governor’s vetoes.  Office of State Budget.

This thick, spiral bound publication is a bare-bones presentation of the changes in state and federal money to each agency after the Governor’s vetoes and after the Legislature’s mandated 3% funding cut.  Included are the provisos, the Summary Control Document (“The Summary Control Document is the State Budget Office’s attempt to maintain a  historical record in summary form reflecting the recommendations/actions taken at each state of the budget process.”), the summary of the proviso changes by agency, and the summary of vetoes on H.4800.  It is not an easy document to read.

Among the People.  U. S. Marines in Iraq  Marine Corps University (D 214.13: IR 1/3).

This hardbound book captures the day-to-day efforts of the Marines in civil affairs work with the Iraqi people.  In beautiful photographs it shows the human side of war.  Three sections show the Marines with civil-military operations, civil affairs groups, and Iraqi forces.  Each section begins with text providing further detail and includes excerpts from recorded interviews of the Marines serving among the people.

The White House Grounds and Gardens 2000-2004.  National Park Service. (I 29.2: W58/3/2000-2004)

Want to have an enviable garden?  This book contains the landscaping schemes of the gardens and grounds around the White House during the first George W. Bush administration, 2000-2004.  There are previous volumes for 1976-1980, 1980-1984, 1984-1988, 1988-1992, 1992-1996, and 1996-2000, which are also available in the library.  There are photos of the areas and then detailed lists of each tree, bush, flower with dates.  Texts include a journal-type account of changes and conditions of the gardens. 


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Freedom of Information Act Roundtable

July 18, 2024, 1:00 PM

Join leaders of the South Carolina Press Association for an in-depth conversation about how the Freedom of Information Act affects the news you hear every day. The panelists of veteran journalists will discuss how FOIA helps them keep the public informed and how you can do the same.  Q&A session to follow!