New Documents for February and March!

Check out the new documents added to the State Library!  Lists of state documents added are available on our website at  Highlights of both State and Federal new documents this month include:

Policing Terrorism: an Executive’s Guide.  Dept of Justice.  J 36.8: T27

                Since 9/11 state, local, and federal enforcement agencies have been tasked with a variety of responsibilities to ensure that plans are in place to prevent attack and to respond quickly should an attack occur.  This manual is designed to help sheriffs, police executives, and other persons charged with protection of citizens develop priorities and responses to terrorism prevention and response.  two of the primary areas addresed are building community partnerships and problem-solving in policing.  Chapter areas are preparing your agency, understanding the threat, developing a plan and support network, collecting intelligence, assessing targets, planning responses.  The text is easy to read, suggestions are in lists or tables.  The manual is available as pdf or print from COPS ( .


Health Activities for Primary School Students.  Peace Corps.  PE 1.10:R 0105

                This publication is a reissue of a 1996 manual designed for Peace Corp volunteers.  However, it contains activities that are quickly grasped by an instructor, whether trained teacher or new volunteer, for very basic activities to improve health behaviors.  There are activities on dental health, hygiene, nutrition, first aid, general health, drugs and alcohol, and other topics.  There is a basic information page followed by several lesson plans.  Copies are available through the Peace Corps.


Mom. Dad. We gotta talk.  Talk to me about sex.  Health and Human Services  HE 1.2: P 21/3/kit

                This kit includes an informational letter and video explaining the Parents Speak Up national Campaign to encourage parents to talk to their kids about waiting to have sex.   See also the webpage, , which has some good information and tips on talking to teens and other children.


2009 Tides & Times.  SC Dept. of Natural Resources  N2197 3.T42

                This annual publication from SCDNR includes sun tables, tide tables, and locations (maps and latitude/longitude) of artificial reefs & Wrecks.  It is on study hard copy to withstand some rough treatment.  There are copies to check out at SCSL, or purchase a copy from the South Carolina Wildlife Magazine office.


ACE’S Actitivy Book: Fun and Facts Relating to the ACE Basin Reserve.  SC  Dept of Natural Resources

N 2197 2.A23

                This activity book is a fun way to introduce students to the ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve, and  to the efforts there in environmentalism and conservation.  NERR sponsors k-12 educational programs through the Carolina Coastal Discovery Marine Education Program ( .


The South Carolina Inventory of Academic Programs, Fall 2008.  SC Commission on Higher Education

H5373 3.I58-3

                This is a massive printout of courses offered at the many state-supported institutions of higher education.  For the Library copies, CHE has added labeled tabs and colored paper to separate each school.  The document will also be available electronically in the library.  CHE has a searchable database of the information on their website at



Upcoming Event

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Freedom of Information Act Roundtable

July 18, 2024, 1:00 PM

Join leaders of the South Carolina Press Association for an in-depth conversation about how the Freedom of Information Act affects the news you hear every day. The panelists of veteran journalists will discuss how FOIA helps them keep the public informed and how you can do the same.  Q&A session to follow!