Discus Offers Free Access to TumbleMath

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We are delighted to offer South Carolinians free access to TumbleMath via Discus - South Carolina’s Virtual Library. This comprehensive collection of picture books uses animation and narration to help students in Kindergarten through Grade 6 learn math. Lesson plans, quizzes, and fun activities help illustrate concepts including counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, geometry, and fractions. South Carolina State Library Director Leesa Aiken says, “We have experienced enormous success with TumbleBooks for several years; adding TumbleMath to our collection of resources is a natural fit. TumbleMath uses core curriculum standards to combine literacy and numeracy to make learning fun. We are confident that students and teachers will find TumbleMath helpful and engaging.” TumbleMath compliments our current TumbleBook collection of eBooks.

Upcoming Event

Author photo with cover of book The Cheese Biscuit Queen Kiss My Aspic

The Cheese Biscuit Queen - Kiss My Aspic! with Mary Martha Greene

March 25, 2025, 6:00 PM
Join us virtually at our next Speaker at the Center series on Tuesday, March 25th at 6:00PM with the Cheese Biscuit Queen, Mary Martha Greene, for a conversation about her recently released, "The Cheese Biscuit Queen - Kiss My Aspic!"