State Library Announces 2020 Notable State Documents Winners

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The South Carolina State Library is pleased to announce the selection of the most notable South Carolina State Documents of 2020. Government documents come in a variety of formats and winning categories include state agency monographs, serials, and websites or apps. Winners of the South Carolina Notable State Documents awards are announced in honor of Freedom of Information Day, which occurs annually on March 16. These noteworthy publications call attention to the most informative documents released by state agencies in 2020. Awards will be presented to the winning agencies and authors on a date soon to be announced.

Nominations for the Notable Documents Awards were submitted throughout the year, with final candidates being judged by a panel of librarians and state employees. Candidates were judged based on their designs, writing styles, and breadth of information. The judges chose a unique group of twelve documents for recognition, including a publication which identifies some of our state’s most troublesome plant and insect species, an annual report detailing progress made against the horrifying practice of human trafficking, and a website providing information on South Carolina’s response to Covid-19 and plans to revitalize the state.

Leesa Aiken, South Carolina State Library director said, "South Carolina state documents provide a wealth of information, statistics, and share a broad range of knowledge about our state. I am pleased that we are able to publicly recognize these important publications and websites as notable documents and it is my hope that all South Carolina state agencies continue to produce high quality documents such as these."

Monographs (physical or born digital)

  • Invasive Species of South Carolina | South Carolina Forestry Commission. The South Carolina Forestry Commission is proud to present this guide to some of the most common and problematic invasive species encountered in our state’s forests. The 168-page, perfect-bound book features a multiple-die-cut cover that allows readers to peer imaginatively through the bark of an ash tree to view the damage inside caused by one of the state’s most destructive beetle pests, the Emerald Ash Borer.
  • Reducing Food Waste: A Guide for South Carolina Schools | South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. This paper gives tips on how school cafeterias can reduce food waste. It also lists resources and contact information for food donation, nutrition and waste reduction.
  • Assessing South Carolina’s Ocean Economy: 2020 Report by the South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium | South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium. The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of South Carolina's ocean economy based on available data; expand upon information provided by NOAA OCM to examine other market and non-market economic benefits derived from coastal and ocean resources; identify ocean economy sectors for potential future growth; and discuss how natural resource health provides a foundation for economic activities along South Carolina's coast.
  • COVID-19 Spotlight: How To Spot a Scammer | South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs. The South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs is warning consumers and businesses to be on the lookout for coronavirus scams. No two scams are the same but included in this sheet are some examples of how fraudsters are trying to separate consumers from their money or personal information during the coronavirus outbreak.
  • The Economic Impact of Agribusiness in South Carolina and the Certified South Carolina Grown Campaign | South Carolina Department of Agriculture in collaboration with the USC Darla Moore School of Business. The purpose of this research effort is twofold: (1) to provide a comprehensive assessment of the economic impact of the agribusiness cluster in South Carolina in order to better understand its size and scope and its importance towards contributing to the state’s long run economic growth; and (2) to conduct a return on- investment analysis of the Certified SC Grown branding effort by estimating the economic benefits that increased purchasing activity between 2010 and 2018 of locally grown agricultural products has generated for South Carolina and then comparing these benefits to the investment (cost) of this SCDA program initiative.


  • CU in the Woods | Clemson University. Cooperative Extension Service. CU in the Woods is a newsletter created quarterly by the Clemson Extension Forestry and Wildlife Program to share information on forestry, wildlife, and youth education.
  • Annual Report (2019) | Office of the South Carolina Attorney General, South Carolina Human Trafficking Task Force. Throughout the year, members of the Human Trafficking Task Force are busy coordinating numerous initiatives in their efforts to abolish trafficking in South Carolina. This report offers a historical perspective on the State’s legislation, implementation of the legislation, the composition of the statewide task force, member accomplishments, and areas for continued focus in the coming year.
  • Annual Report 2020 I South Carolina State Ports Authority. The South Carolina State Ports Authority publishes an annual report with information about the board and senior management, independent auditor report, and financial statements.


  • Green Book of South Carolina Website I African American Heritage Commission. Discover 400+ African American cultural sites across S.C. with this free mobile travel guide from the S.C. African American Heritage Commission. Browse locations near you or by category.

  • accelerateSC: SC’s COVID-19 Response Website | Office of the Governor. Organized, April 20, 2020, accelerateSC serves as the coordinated COVID-19 advisory team to consider and recommend economic revitalization plans for South Carolina. The governor designated a state agency to coordinate each of the revitalization components; other identified state agencies assist. The accelerateSC participants make immediate, intermediate and long-term recommendations to the governor for revitalizing and expanding South Carolina’s economy while protecting the health of South Carolina citizens.

  • Covid-19 Testing Locations Webpages I South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. These are free events that are sponsored by DHEC. Most of these events have site specific pre-registration requirements and translation services available. (Call-in service or on-site interpreter). These are free or no cost locations. Federal requirements may require insurance inquiry and possible insurance billing. These events offer pediatric testing. Note that some age restrictions may apply.

For more information about the Notable State Documents awards program, please contact Sheila Dorsey, Government Documents Librarian at

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Making the Most of the Space You Have

September 25, 2024, 2:00 PM
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