

Our regular operating house are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Closed on state holidays.


South Carolina State Library
1500 Senate Street
Columbia, SC 29201

Phone & Fax

Phone: (803) 734-8666
Fax: (803) 734-8676
Toll-Free Phone: (888) 221-4643
For Talking Book Services: 1 (800) 922-7818 OR (803) 734-4611

Employment Verification

For employment and salary verification requests, please contact Human Resources at


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Parking Information

The State Library currently has no visitor parking. Please use either street parking meters or the USC Pendleton parking garage. The garage is located between Bull and Pickens Streets and has two-hour and five-hour meters on the lower level. Enter from Pickens Street at the entrance marked "University of South Carolina Visitor Meters." For additional information, call (803) 777-5160 or visit USC's visitor parking information.


Parking meters are located in front of the library and on side streets.

  • Blue meters = 5 hours parking at 75 cents/hour
  • Green meters = 2 hours parking at 75 cents/hour
  • Red meters = 20 minutes parking time and costs 25 cents

You can put change in the meters, purchase a meter card ($5) from the Pendleton Garage office located on the ground level, or pay using Passport on your mobile device. The app is free to download through the App Store and Google Play. Users can also manage their parking online using their mobile phones.

Special Note

The State Library has a very limited amount of change available on any given day. Please remember to arrive with a sufficient amount if you are not using your mobile device to pay.


Want to see inside the library before you visit? Take a peek with street view.

  State Library 360° Street Tour