The South Carolina State Library maintains an extensive print and digital collections of materials published about South Carolina.
Some of these collections also provide access to digitized copies in the public domain. Both are represented in the following list.
General Collection
We maintain a general research collection to support the the independent study and lifelong learning needs of the general public as well as the professional information needs of state employees, government officials, and members of the library profession. Subject highlights include technology, library development, administration/management, governance, and grants research.
South Carolina State Library Digital Collections
The South Carolina State Library Digital Collections is a set of online projects that expands our mission to provide equal access to information for all South Carolinians. These online collections create greater access to our unique historical resources and new digital projects.
South Carolina Collection
The South Carolina Collection includes published materials dealing with South Carolina subjects. Multiple copies of South Carolina titles are usually purchased to ensure that one copy remains in the library for long-term preservation.
Rare Book Collection
We are committed to preserving the Rare Book Collection and making them accessible to the community. The collection includes approximately 2,000 items, ranging from political speeches and periodicals to historical scientific works and literature. Half of the Rare Book collection comes from the personal library of Alexander S. Salley South Carolina’s first Historian and Archivist.
It can be searched in our online catalog, SCLENDS, and a selection of these materials can be accessed through the South Carolina Book Collection in a digital format.
Photograph Collection
The South Carolina State Library presents digitized photographs and documents from an internal archive of library history; these images are mostly of public and academic libraries, the State Library, and library events from around the state.
Further information can be found in the Digital Collections Guide.
South Carolina State Documents Depository
The South Carolina State Documents Depository Program provides access to publications produced by state agencies and state-supported academic institutions. We maintain a collection of print, electronic, and multimedia state documents.
The State Documents Depository can be searched in our online catalog, SCLENDS, and approximately 40,000 digitized state documents can be accessed in the South Carolina State Documents Depository.
Federal Documents Depository
We are a congressionally designated depository for U.S. Government documents. Public access to the government documents collection is guaranteed by public law (Title 44 United States Code).
They can be searched in our online catalog, SCLENDS, and a selection of these digitized materials can also be accessed through the South Carolina Federal Documents.
Inclusive Services Collection
The Inclusive Services Collection houses materials related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in library services. The collection includes suggested fiction for children and youth from diverse backgrounds, non-fiction resources for library staff working with all ages, and materials in accessible formats such as braille and sensory books. Find more information in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and the Inclusive Services Center.

O’Reilly Online Learning
Ebooks, videos, learning paths, and case studies on web development, system administration, applications, management, human resources, marketing, and training.