
The South Carolina State Library supports literacy, wellness, and quality of life for residents of South Carolina through programs and collaborations with public libraries and other community agencies.

These projects focus on a range of literacies including health and food literacy, technology skills, family resources, and emergency preparedness.

Ongoing Projects

  •  SC Plants the Seed
    SC Plants the Seed is a partnership between various state agencies that target low-income and rural populations by bringing local farmers to public libraries and providing nutrition education, free books, and affordable, fresh produce. 

  •  Circulating Kits
    The South Carolina State Library Circulating Kits contain everything you need to host a library program.

  •  Check Out SC
    Check Out SC is a partnership between the South Carolina State Library and South Carolina Parks, Recreation and Tourism (SCPRT) to encourage patrons to take advantage of public spaces, specifically state parks, and reap the benefits of spending more time outdoors.

Past Projects