Grants Research and Proposal Writing Classes to be Offered Fall 2014

The South Carolina State Library is pleased to again offer two popular grants research and proposal writing classes:

Grants Research: Finding a Funder for Your Nonprofit Organization - This class helps individuals working with nonprofit organizations locate information on grants available from private foundations and corporations using the South Carolina State Library’s electronic and print resources. Sessions run from 9:30 a.m. to noon and are offered on two different dates:

SC Academy of Authors Announces Annual Fellowships in Fiction and Poetry

The SC Academy of Authors (SCAA) announces its annual fellowship competitions in poetry and fiction. Winning authors in each category will receive $1,000 and be invited to the SCAA induction ceremony in Charleston in April 2015. The winning entries will be published in “Fall Lines,” an annual literary journal published by Muddy Ford Press in Columbia.

New South Carolina State Government Documents for August 2014

The South Carolina Digital State Documents Depository provides access to publications produced by state agencies and state-supported academic institutions. These publications provide citizens with crucial information about state government, including statistics, annual accountability reports, and data on a wide variety of topics related to the state. The new August South Carolina State Documents monthly publication provides a description, author, and link to the full-text for each new agency document published in August.

Speaker @ the Center to Feature Richard Porcher and William Judd

The South Carolina State Library’s Center for the invites you to Speaker @ the Center at noon on Thursday, September 25.

Richard Dwight Porcher, Jr., and William Robert Judd will discuss their book, The Market Preparation of Carolina Rice: An Illustrated History of Innovations in the Lowcountry Rice Kingdom (USC Press). This is the first book to illustrate and describe the implements and machines used to prepare Carolina rice for overseas markets.

National Voter Registration Day and Your Library 2014

EveryLibrary is a partner organization for National Voter Registration Day 2014.  Voter registration and voter engagement are important to all the libraries we work with.  But an engaged and informed electorate is basic for the future of libraries. So we’re encouraging libraries to become partner organizations, too.  Your library can share information about voter registration in your communities.  Your library can register people to vote.