Library Consulting

The Library Development Department of the South Carolina State Library offers assistance to librarians, trustees, and other interested persons on all aspects of library development, library programming, and library operations.

In addition to general areas of library service, consultants have expertise in services to children and young adults, library management and planning, advocacy, public relations and marketing, outreach services, and much more.


Boards & Friends

The State Library consults on best practices for Boards of Trustees and Friends of the Library groups. 

Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

The South Carolina State Library offers training, consultation, and resources in the areas of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI).  

Facilities Management

For public library directors and staff involved in facilities management and construction. 

Library Director Services

The South Carolina State Library offers consultation and training to library directors in finance, planning, policies, legal issues, personnel, and more.

Library Survey and Statistics

The Public Libraries Survey examines when, where, and how library services are changing to meet the needs of the public.. 

SC Library Systems at a Glance

Take a look at how our South Carolina public libraries served their communities in 2022.

Newsletters and Listservs

The South Carolina State Library manages and moderates a number of discussion groups for libraries, librarians, and staff on varieties of topics. 

Public Library Standards

South Carolina Public Library Standards provide public library administrators with a basis for establishing service levels. 

Summer Reading

Summer reading programs promote the joy of reading, connect communities, assist with summer learning loss, and encourages lifelong library usage. 

Youth Services

Services include help with planning, collection development, programming, promotion, collaboration with schools, and other aspects of work with children, young adults and families.