Our community is the state. Our value is demonstrated in what we can give back as public servants. We believe that, by remaining open to our community’s needs, we can personalize experiences for individuals and groups.
Get a Library Card
A South Carolina State Library card is available to South Carolina residents age 18 and over who do not currently have a library card.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
The South Carolina State library will try and obtain items you wish to borrow from another library if not found in SCLENDS.

Discus, South Carolina’s Virtual Library, is the information place for all South Carolinians. Discus, which stands for Digital Information for South Carolina Users, provides free access to an electronic library that’s available 24/7.

Talking Book Services
Talking Book Services is a free library service from the South Carolina State Library for anyone who has a visual, physical, or print disability that prevents them from holding or reading normal print books.

StudySC is an online resource about South Carolina for K-12 homework help, projects, and more. StudySC provides teachers with curated content to support classroom activities.

Center for the Book
The South Carolina Center celebrates our rich literary heritage, bringing public attention to the importance of books, writers, and reading.
The South Carolina State Library maintains an extensive print collection of materials published about South Carolina.
South Carolina Libraries
Find your local South Carolina public library in our directory. Search for address, website, and contact information.
U.S. Government Information
The South Carolina State Library is a member of the Federal Depository Library Program and our collection of Federal publications is available for use.
Research & Resources
The state library maintains extensive resources for historical, statistical, and genealogical research.
South Carolina Government & Statistics
State government provides a vast amount of information useful for citizens, state employees, and researchers.