Free Training Sessions to be Offered by the SC State Library

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Plan now to become more involved in elections and legislation in the New Year! Two new webinars are scheduled by the State Library to help alert citizens to voting procedures and to learn about proposed legislation in the SC General Assembly.

The first webinar, Getting Ready for the Elections, will be held on Monday, January 25 at 11:00 a.m. Are you registered? Do you know the candidates and issues? Will you vote absentee? Will you be able to answer questions of your neighbors and friends to help them be prepared? Join Elaine Sandberg, Information Services Librarian as she explores the resources of, the website of the South Carolina Election Commission to find just what we need to be prepared to vote! Register for this webinar here. If you would like attend the session in person at the State Library, contact Mrs. Sandberg for information (

The second webinar, Legislation Resources, will be held on Monday, February 22 at 11:00 a.m. Are you interested in a particular issue that will come up in the General Assembly this year? Do you know how to contact your legislators before a crucial vote is taken? How will state budgets affect my county? Just how much money is really spent on education? Join Elaine Sandberg, Information Services Librarian as she explores some resources on the site, the new site and site that are freely available to help us learn about the legislation, the state budget and state spending, and resources to help keep track of important bills. Register for this webinar here.

See more events offered by the South Carolina State Library at

Upcoming Event

South Carolina Center for the Book

Speaker at the Center Series: Tom Poland & Robert Clark

July 24, 2024, 2:00 PM

Join us at the SC Center for the Book for the latest installment of the Speaker at the Center series with author Tom Poland and photographer Robert Clark. The two have partnered to explore South Carolina through words and pictures in many publications and will speak on this topic.