The South Carolina State Library provides a variety of research, resources, and information for librarians, the general public, and state government.
Use SmartSearch+ to search the A-Z list of our databases which connects you to both Discus resources and our State Library resources.
Online Resources
The State Library subscribes to a collection of databases with an array of resources. The databases provide high-quality publications in an easy to navigate format and contain magazines and newspapers, professional journals, reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, E-books, maps and flags, multimedia, pictures and photographs, government reports, primary sources, historic documents, and much more.
Online Resources
An A-Z and filterable list of the online resource and research databases the South Carolina State Library subscribes to, including trial access.State Library Subject Guides
Below are the South Carolina State Library's Subject Guides prepared by the State Library librarians and staff containing resources, research, and information for the library community, state government, and South Carolina citizens.