State Library Announces 2012 StoryfestSC Summer Reading Kick-Off Author Lineup

The South Carolina State Library is proud to announce award winning authors Denise Fleming and Marc Brown will be featured at StoryfestSC 2012--the state's summer reading program kick-off event. Families from across the state will be able to celebrate the 2012 Collaborative Summer Library Theme Dream Big Read! at a free event for families held at the State Museum in Columbia on June 2nd.

Help with Taxes is Available

Several groups volunteer to help elderly and low income individuals with tax preparation.

VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) was established for families earning less than $50,000 a year and is helped in part by the United Way of the Midlands. United Way has a list of locations on their website. There is also a phone number for more information.

The AARP also offers free assistance and has a locator on their website.

State Library Agencies Continue to Provide Valuable Services Despite Severe Funding and Staff Cuts

Washington, DC--The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has released its report on the State Library Survey for fiscal year 2010. The data collected in this annual survey show that state library agencies' revenues fell by 24.1 percent in the previous decade and that reduction in staff has been one of the largest impacts of this shortfall.