Stay "In the Know" with USGPO and the FDLP Academy

As Federal depository library and the official state depository for all state publications , our library is your source for government documents. We stay in touch with the latest news and collect print and digital publications from South Carolina state agencies and the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO). GPO distributes Federal publications through the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), and makes that information available to you.

Update on the Young Minds Dreaming Poetry Contest

Thank you for all of your poetry submissions this year! The contest has not been canceled; however, there are two major schedule changes:

  • Winners will be announced on Friday April 17 rather than March 31.
  • The April 18th ceremony with Pat Mora is postponed until further notice.

Thank you for participating in our poetry contest this year!

Please contact Denise Lyons ( if you have questions.

SCLENDS Public Library Lending Consortium to Suspend Operations until Further Notice

SCLENDS, which stands for “South Carolina Library Evergreen Network Delivery System," is a consortium of 20 county libraries and the State Library that shares resources and circulating materials. SCLENDS libraries share a single catalog, which means that patrons can search for items at any of the libraries as easily as they search for items at their home library.

COVID-19 Resources

The South Carolina State Library has put together a resource guide that contains links to information which may be helpful to library staff related to the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. Information includes guidance specifically related to public libraries, and cleaning and disinfecting areas of the library. This guide will be regularly updated to include any new information as it is received.