Black Music Is

Follow Bebop the cat on a journey through American music history. Every record takes Bebop to a different colorful sonic world. An award-wining Poet Laureate wrote a unique visual poem, Black Music Is. It is a celebration of vinyl, African-American icons, and modern-day musicians.

New May Electronic State Publications

The SC Department of Health and Environmental Control created Don't Waste Food SC: A Guide for Reducing Food Waste at Home. Food is the number one item we throw away -accounting for more than 20 percent of the nation's annual waste stream. Each year anywhere from 40 percent to nearly half of the food supply in the United States is discarded -an annual loss of an estimated $218 billion. All of this while more than 41 million Americans are food insecure.

Great Outdoors Month

What began as a weeklong celebration in 1998 under President Clinton has now evolved into the month-long observance known as Great Outdoors Month. In 2019, the U.S. Senate officially designated June as Great Outdoors Month, aligning with National Trails Day, which occurs annually during the first week of June.