Charleston’s Trial: Jim Crow Justice

June 1910, Charleston, South Carolina. A Jewish merchant, Max Lubelsky, lay murdered in his clothing store on Upper King Street. The black man eventually convicted of the crime was arrested several weeks later as an angry mob called for his lynching. What followed became the story of one man's quiet protestations of innocence in the face of overwhelming condemnation by the white community.

Blue-Eyed Slave

It is 1764 in Charles Town, South Carolina, and Harry's school for enslaved children has been in full swing for twenty years, despite the Negro Act of 1740. An enslaved person himself, Harry finds an unlikely ally in Hannah, a young Jewish girl from town who tutors Bintü, a recent acquisition of the prominent Reverend and Mistress Harte. But his school begins to feel the pressure as political winds shift and the Stamp Act causes revolt, uproar, and armed protests.