Let's Celebrate Art

The 2022 Talking Book Services art competition is underway. Any visually impaired/blind child or young adult who is still in school may enter. Artwork needs to be tactile in any medium, one entry per student. We will award first, second, and third place for each age category. The submission deadline is March 4, 2022. Please visit our Talking Book Services website for additional details and a registration form.

State Library Awards Multilingual Collection Development Grants

Twenty-one South Carolina library systems enter 2022 with grant money to expand their resources and programs for multilingual patrons. The Multilingual Collection Development Grants help support people who speak a language other than English at home by offering new library materials in their first languages. The goal is to strengthen relationships between public libraries and members of this population. Since Spanish is the second most spoken language in South Carolina, many grant recipients will purchase Spanish materials.

Our Deepest Condolences

With great sadness, we mark the passing of South Carolina Senator Hugh K. Leatherman, Sr. Senator Leatherman spent most of his adult life as a public servant working for all South Carolinians and the citizens of District 31. South Carolina State Library Director Leesa Aiken remembers Senator Leatherman as a constant professional who was always prepared for meetings and the Session. “Senator Leatherman consistently supported libraries, Aiken said, “he understood the value of libraries and what they do in the community. We are thankful for his longstanding support.