Kershaw County Library Uses LSTA Grant to Take Programming on the Road

An LSTA grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services helped us get programming rolling at the Kershaw County Library. Library staff desired a way to continue services even though the pandemic put in-person activities on hold. Grant money enabled them to equip a Dodge Caravan with a ramp and supplies for pop-up programming, providing more than 175 outreach events.

April 2021 New State Documents

This month we feature the state government document, Roadway design manual: connecting people and places, by the South Carolina Department of Transportation. This 798 page manual has been developed to provide uniform design practices for Department and consultant personnel preparing plans for projects on the state-owned system. A SCDOT task force under the direction of the Preconstruction Support Section developed the

Basic American Sign Language for Library Staff (6 week series)

Join us for this series of webinars starting May 11, 2021, at noon to learn how to improve your service to deaf and hard-of-hearing library patrons. We'll cover basic information about American Sign Language and Deaf Culture, as well as specific vocabulary for the library setting. Each session will build on those before it to reinforce your knowledge and expand your ability to communicate with members of the Deaf community. Sessions will be recorded and archived for those unavailable to attend live.

Telling the Story of Food: Why Food Literacy Matters to Your Library

Over the past three and a half years of our food literacy initiative, SC Read Eat Grow, the one question I have heard over and over again is, “Why should a library be involved with food and nutrition?” For the South Carolina State Library and our statewide partner organizations, the answer is simple: food is a basic need for every person.