August 2022 State Documents

Although each August 2022 State Document is important, Are You Storm Ready? from the South Carolina Department of Insurance is timely as Hurricane Ian approaches South Carolina. This "go-to" resource for before and after a storm contains supply lists, advice on creating disaster plans and home inventories, insurance tools and resources, and guidance to help you recover from a loss. You may download the document for immediate use.

New July 2022 State Documents

The vibrant, colorful fruits and vegetables arranged in the shape of a heart pump this Guide to Heart and Vascular Health to the top of the July 2022 list of South Carolina State Documents. The MUSC Health, Heart and Vascular Center uses color, spacing, and graphics to break down the "dos" and "don'ts" of heart health into small bites of information, making it easier for users to take a proactive approach toward healthier lifestyles.  

International Ties Bring Honor and Recognition

Our research honoring World War II veterans extends across the pond. An English gentleman from Bude, a seaside town in northeast Cornwall, asked us for help. Next year marks the 80th anniversary of soldiers embarking on his town to train for D-Day. Citizens plan to build monuments to recognize the troops who fought to provide freedom to those in Bude and across England. We connected him with research assistants at the Eisenhower Library in Kansas, which houses information on some of the units stationed in Bude in the 1940s.

Researching Military History

Discover contemporary and historical state and federal resources, newspapers, databases, and books to help research South Carolina ancestors. Our collection covers the Revolutionary War through World War II. Subscriptions to databases including Ancestry Library Edition, Fold3, and HeritageQuest helped us uncover information on approximately 35 World War II veterans from South Carolina; learn how they can help you. We’ll also help navigate free tools, including Find a Grave, state and national archives records, and Family Search.

New February/March 2022 State Documents

If thoughts of buyer guides, advertising dos and don'ts, and lending rules make your head spin, imagine what it is like for auto dealers. Thankfully, the Guide for Auto Dealers from the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs makes understanding the fine print easy. The simple breakdown of information won us over, making this guide the featured publication representing the release of the February/March 2022 state documents.