State Library hosts Freedom Now exhibit through March 29, 2019

In honor of Black History Month, we are excited to partner with Columbia SC 63 and host "Freedom Now." Beginning February 8, we will showcase images taken during the height of the civil rights movement. Many of the images are undocumented, presenting a unique opportunity to the public. We invite you to visit the State Library and to help us identify the people in the photos and the dates they were taken. The exhibition is a significant part of our state's history and on display until March 29.

Cecil Williams speaks of “Unforgettable” moments documenting the Charleston Hospital Worker’s Strike of 1969

By Virginia Pierce, Public Services Librarian. Civil Rights photographer Cecil Williams spoke before a large gathering at the Charleston County Public Library’s Main Branch on July 30, 2018, for the opening reception of his traveling photography exhibit Unforgettable: Celebrating a Time of Life, Hope, and Bravery.

Free workshop - South Carolina genealogy: exploring online resources

The SC State Library is pleased to offer a workshop titled “South Carolina Genealogy: exploring online resources” taught by Debbie Bloom, Manager of the Walker Local and Family History Center at the Richland Library on May 9, 2018, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Attendees will explore databases, indexes, and digital content that South Carolina libraries and other public institutions are offering researchers.  All are welcome to attend.