Public Libraries Gain Internet Speed

Your local library is home to more than just books. It is also a hot spot of creativity, technology, and opportunity. Historically, library Internet bandwidth has been low, sometimes as small as 20 to 40 Mbps.
The South Carolina E-Rate Consortium, a program managed by the South Carolina Department of Administration, is increasing the minimum library branch bandwidth circuit speed to 100Mbps effective July 1, 2019.

A New Addition to the Read Eat Grow Family

We are pleased to announce the arrival of our second Charlie Cart, CeCe, to support the Read Eat Grow initiative. Read Eat Grow aims to educate families about the importance of healthy cooking and eating, and provide programs to show them how to prepare nutritional meals. The Charlie Cart is a self-contained mobile kitchen that contains small appliances including a griddle and a convection oven, as well as measuring cups, mixing bowls, and a variety of tools.